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Our 2 newly-named groups launched in September 2022, when the Art Club year began. More information is available on our Membership page.

If you are not yet a member and would like to join, please contact Maggie Read by email: or mobile 0799552780 


The Exhibiting Artists group allows our more experienced artists to work on their own projects, if they choose to, although there is usually an optional 'theme' set for those who feel they need inspiration! This group is geared towards members who wish to exhibit.


The Leisure Artists group is more focussed on painting and drawing for pleasure and learning. Maggie sets the 'themes' for each group and demonstrates at most of the group meetings and when relevant. 

All meetings are on Thursdays and they take place at Lord Pirbright's Hall, on Pirbright Green (all meetings are in the Main Hall). The hall is spacious and members normally have a table to themselves, where possible. 


CLUB MEETINGS - Summer 2024

Leisure Artists: meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month  1:15pm - 4pm

September 19th 


Apples, Courgettes & Sunflowers - a study in pen and watercolour wash  

Please bring some of your own objects (whatever fruit and veg/seed-heads you can find) for your still-life set-up. I will have some spare objects in case anyone needs them

Bring watercolour paper - preferably HP (smooth); permanent (waterproof) pens - with black or sepia ink; watercolour paints, brushes and palette. You will need two water-pots, HB pencil & putty rubber. 


October 2024


No session this month - (this year only, as Maggie is away)


November 21st

An illustration for a children's story -The Yellow Rabbit - illustrate one of the stories (provided) in a medium of your choice. Your painting could be chosen to be used (with your permission) in a book being put together as a leaving gift for the editor of the Pirbright village newsletter, who has written these stories for several years!

Bring the materials you prefer to use and I will give out the stories on the day. The original artwork remains your own property to use as you wish (to frame and exhibit and/or publish as cards).  I will guide you (I was a childrens' book illustrator in a former life!!) I will give ideas and demostrate some techniques and will have examples for inspiration.    Maggie  

December - November 30th & December 1st (Sat & Sun) - Annual Exhibition


January 16th

Continue with the theme from November (see above) - develop and complete illustrations for the book or work on your own project. Bring appropriate materials and reference (I will bring an assortment as before) I will also bring my own illustration, for the cover of the book, to show you.  Maggie

Exhibiting Artists: meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month  2pm - 5.30pm

September 26th 


Apples, Courgettes & Sunflowers - a study in acrylics (optional) painted on blue ground

Please bring some of your own objects (whatever fruit and veg/seed-heads you can find) for your still-life set-up. I will have some spare objects in case anyone needs them

Bring board or canvas ready primed with a mid-tone blue (opposite on the specrum to the warm colours of the objects selected) - choose a blue-violet or purple if your objects are mainly yellow

October 2024 - 

No session this month - (this year only, as Maggie is away)


November 7th - NB. revised date! 


Pricing for exhibition ~ work on own projects during session (no optional theme for this meeting). Bring your exhibition entries for comments and pricing... You could still continue to work on entry paintings for completion, if you are sure you can get them mounted/framed in time.

Also - bring your unused or unwanted spare frames to sell if you wish (perfect condition only!)

November 30th & December 1st (Sat & Sun) - Annual Exhibition 


January 23rd ~ work on your own projects or if you are working on a book illustration (see above information for Leisure Artists) you could complete this today and hand it in to be scanned.   

Maggie Read is always on hand to help members with their work on an individual basis. Maggie is a qualified art tutor, teaching all aspects of drawing and painting in many different media. 

For further information about Maggie Read, visit her own website

There is an optional theme and suggested medium each month for anyone who needs inspiration! Members are encouraged to bring their own reference photos or source material to work from and use their own style and imagination to create original work...


We believe that art should express our own ideas and copying other artists' work is strictly forbidden, especially when it comes to exhibiting and selling art. Copyright rules are respected.

Our members work in a wide range of media, including drawing materials; watercolour; pen & wash; acrylics; pastels and oils.

(Please note, oil painters should only use water-mixable or low-odour oils.)


Tutored painting meetings: members may purchase a Voucher Card for 5 x sessions at a slight discount from the monthly fee of £10 (cards are £45). These cards are stamped each time a member attends a group meeting. Voucher-cards can be purchased at meetings.


Polperro Harbour


Staged demonstration

IMG_20201006_135938353_HDR (1).jpg

by Maggie Read

May 2020

The November theme for one group was "A Frosty Garden Scene in White Pastel Pencil on Black Paper". Maggie produced a series of demonstration photos and a slide-show, based upon her own painting for members to view on YouTube, as we entered another period of lockdown. Some of the staged photos are shown below. 


2020's April theme was "An Interior Scene in Half-light" in watercolour. Maggie produced a series of demonstration photos from her own painting on this theme, see below.

The pictures should be viewed in conjunction with these documents, which can be viewed in either doc      or pdf      format.


© 2020 Maggie Read

  • Pirbright Art Club
  • Pirbright Art Club
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